Welcome to Mia Bellucci

We at Mia Bellucci have been making impeccably stylish and beautifully designed jewellery for many years. The art of jewellery making has been passed on for over 60 years and the same love and devotion for making timeless styles and unique pieces is thriving more today than ever before.

We believe in making pieces of jewellery that brings pleasures equally to those who either gift our pieces or those fortunate enough to wear them. Those precious moments of uncompelling happiness are our constant inspiration, and it is with these in mind that we create collections that are built to last and become an intimate part of our everyday lives.

We simply cannot emphasise enough how much care, thought, and attention to detail goes into every piece we make at Mia Bellucci

We're delighted to welcome you - happy shopping!

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A Mission In Mind

Over 60 years ago, our family dedicated themselves to making fine luxurious bespoke pieces of jewellery. If those unique pieces were able to speak, they would tell the most magical story as each one in our beginning is recalled as having a beautiful birth, from the initial discussions with each client, to the execution of their vision being presented in front of them. The love for making jewellery was ignited from those special moments and still today we are thriving to achieve that same level of happiness and if possible even more.

We formed the Mia Bellucci boutique to share our creations further with the idea to create a company that specialised in stylish and unique pieces, whilst combining the highest quality and craftmanship. We created our online boutique store to create a seamless shopping experience across every channel and share our beautiful jewellery globally.

Making A Difference

So much has changed over the years – and yet so much has remained. What started as making bespoke pieces of jewellery was then followed in to making what is now classed historic and decorated pieces of Victorian history. Throughout the years we have had to evolve and be on the crust of fashion and influencing with our very own impeccably stylish pieces to add to each trend.

Future Proofing

Mia Bellucci is on a mission to change the way people view shopping for jewellery, we believe by creating beautiful quality pieces that are not only worn for special occasions but also pieces you can buy for yourself and wear every day.

We have also tried to make our online store as informative and easy to use as possible, allowing our customers to access our collections with a simple click of a finger.